【作者】 杨晓;
【导师】 罗鹏;
【摘要】 语言教学通常定义为教授四种技能:听,说,读,写。在这四种技能中,说和写通常称之为产出性技能。既然说和写同属产出性技能,二者之间必定有许多共同点,并且彼此关系密切。这一点已经由各领域的众多研究者所证明。然而,关于口语测试和写作测试的相关性研究却很少可以看到,更不用说大学英语四级考试中写作部分和口语考试的相关了。为了填补这项研究中的空白,本研究以实证的方法对大学生的大学英语四、六级口语考试成绩与他们的四级写作部分考试成绩之间的相关性进行了初步探究。本研究中所涉及的研究问题如下:(1)大学生的英语口头表达能力和英语写作能力之间有没有显著的相关关系?如果有,相关度如何?(2)对具有不同口头表达能力或者写作能力的考生,其口语能力与写作能力的相关关系呈现怎样的格局?(3)观察这两种技能之间具有不同相关关系的考生在口头表达和写作中对语言特征的掌握上呈现怎样的状态和规律?实验中,1500名来自中国不同大学的学生参与了本研究。他们首先参加了大学英语四级考试执笔考试并全部以不低于550分的总成绩通过,之后他们又全部参加了四、六级口语考试。研究数据在收集完成之后,经过整理录入SPSS 11.5,SPSS主要...
【Abstract】 As we generally acknowledge, the aims of language teaching course are very commonly defined in terms of four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Among the four skills, speaking and writing are said to be productive skills, and people generally agree on this point. Since speaking and writing are grouped under productive skills, they must enjoy lots of similarities and have a close relationship with each other. Indeed, this point has been extensively proved by many researchers from v...
【关键词】 大学英语四、六级口语测试; 大学英语四级写作测试; 相关;
【Key words】 CET-SET; CET-4 Writing Sub-test; correlation;
Acknowledgements 3-4
Abstract 4-5
摘要 6-8
Contents 8-11
Chapter 1 Introduction 11-15
1.1 Study background 11-12
1.2 Study purpose and significance 12
1.3 Research questions 12-13
1.4 Hypotheses of the study 13
1.5 Layout of the thesis 13-15
Chapter 2 Literature Review 15-38
2.1 Studies on Speaking Test 15-26
2.1.1 The Construct of Speaking 15-18
2.1.2 Basic Considerations for Speaking Test 18-22
2.1.3 Previous Studies on Speaking Test 22-26
2.2 Studies on Writing Test 26-33
2.2.1 The Construct of Writing 26-28
2.2.2 Basic Considerations for Writing Test 28-31
2.2.3 Previous Studies on Writing Test 31-33
2.3 Correlational Studies of Speaking Test and Writing Test 33-38
2.3.1 Speaking Ability vs. Writing Ability 33-34
2.3.2 Speaking Test vs. Writing Test 34-35
2.3.3 Previous Studies on the Correlation between Speaking Test and Writing Test 35-38
Chapter 3 CET-4 Writing Sub-test vs. CET-SET 38-46
3.1 CET-4 Writing Sub-test 38-41
3.1.1 Test Format and Sub-skills Assessed in CET-4 Writing Sub-test 38-39
3.1.2 The Rating of CET-4 Writing Sub-test 39-41
3.2 CET-SET 41-44
3.2.1 Test Format and Language Functions Assessed in CET-SET 41-42
3.2.2 The Rating of CET-SET 42-44
3.3 CET-4 Writing Sub-test vs. CET-SET 44-46
3.3.1 Test Format and Test Construct 44-45
3.3.2 Rating 45-46
Chapter 4 Methodology 46-51
4.1 Subjects 46-47
4.2 Instruments and Procedure 47-50
4.2.1 Instruments 47-49
4.2.2 Carrying out the Experiment 49
4.2.3 The Ratings of the Two Tests 49-50
4.3 Data Collection and Data Analysis 50-51
Chapter 5 Results and Discussion 51-74
5.1 Descriptive Analysis of Test Results 51-53
5.2 The Global Correlation Analysis 53-58
5.2.1 Research Result 53-54
5.2.2 Discussion 54-58
5.3 Intragroup Correlation Analysis 58-68
5.3.1 Intragroup Correlation in SET 58-63
5.3.2 Intragroup Correlation in Writing Sub-test 63-68
5.4 The Notable Characteristics of the Speaking and Writing Samples of Students with Inconsistent Speaking and Writing Levels 68-74
5.4.1 Characteristics of the Speaking and Writing Samples of the Students Who Belong to SET High-level Group yet Writing Intermediate/Low-level Group 69-71
5.4.2 Characteristics of the Speaking and Writing Samples of the Students Who Belong to SET Low-level Group yet Writing Intermediate/Low-level Group 71-74
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Recommendations 74-78
6.1 Conclusions and Implications 74-76
6.2 Limitations and Recommendations for Further Research 76-78
Bibliography 78-86
Appendix I: Marking scale of CET Writing Sub-tests 86-87
Appendix II: CET-SET Rating Scale 87-90
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