【摘要】 高中英语课程标准(实验版,2003)要求学生掌握四项基本语言技能:听、说、读和写。其中阅读是非常重要的,因为它是学生获取信息的必要途径。因此,阅读教学是高中英语教学的重心。课程标准制定的高中英语阅读教学的目标是发展学生的阅读能力,使他们能快速有效地阅读。基于新版的英语课程标准,高考试卷中有关阅读理解部分的测试出现了新的倾向:基于语篇,重视对整个篇章的全面理解,目的在于提高学生的语篇意识和阅读能力。而且,阅读在高考试卷中占很大的比重。那么高中英语阅读教学策略是否重视对学生语篇意识和阅读能力的培养呢?答案是否定的。通过查阅文献和问卷调查,发现学生对语篇知识了解甚少,更别说将它们应用于阅读。同时,阅读能力和阅读成绩也不尽如人意。基于刘辰诞(1999)和Grabe and L.Stoller(2005)的篇章结构理论,可以发现篇章结构与阅读的本质联系紧密。因此,毫无疑问,将语篇理论应用于阅读教学的尝试是合理的。这种应用的目的是培养学生的语篇意识和语篇能力,让语篇结构知识帮助其有效的理解和把握语篇体裁,篇章类型,篇章模式和篇章策略连续体,以达到对阅读材料的全面深入的理解,实现与作者文本的沟通交流。本文试图检验语篇结构理论应用于高中英语阅读教学的效果,具体来说试图回答以下研究问题,即:将篇章结构理论应用于高中英语阅读教学之前学生对该理论的了解情况怎么样?英语教师怎样将篇章结构理论应用于高中英语阅读教学?将篇章结构理论应用于高中英语阅读教学的效果怎么样?本文的研究方法是通过问卷和考试测试来获取数据,并使用SPSS19.0对数据进行分析。实验对象是安徽省某县高二的两个平行班,问卷调查发现实验前这两个班几乎不了解语篇知识,同时前测结果表明两个班在阅读水平上基本相当。实验持续一个学期,由同一老师采用不同的方法来教授这两个班级的阅读,实验班是基于语篇结构理论的教学法,控制班是传统教学法。后测结果表明,两个班级的阅读水平出现差异,实验班的平均成绩明显高于控制班。期末问卷结果进一步说明,通过老师在课堂上对语篇知识和策略的引入,实验班的学生能够在阅读过程中利用背景知识、体裁预测、语篇策略连续体及语篇结构图等各种语篇结构策略来帮助阅读的顺利进行。基于以上分析可以得出结论:基于篇章结构理论的阅读教学策略能够有效的提高高中学生的英语阅读能力。
【关键词】 阅读理论; 篇章结构理论; 篇章结构理论与阅读的关系;
摘要 6-8
Chapter One Introduction 10-14
1.1 Research background 10-11
1.2 Research purpose 11-12
1.3 Research significance 12
1.4 The structure of this thesis 12-14
Chapter Two Literature Review 14-32
2.1 Understanding reading 14-19
2.1.1. The nature of reading 14-16
2.1.2 The role of Schemata in reading 16-18
2.1.3 The purpose of reading in practice 18-19
2.2 Understanding Discurse Organization 19-27
2.2.1 The definition of discourse 19-20
2.2.2 Discourse organization 20-27
2.3 Studies on the relationship between discourse organization and reading 27-30
2.3.1 Discourse organization acting as scaffolding to reading 27-29
2.3.2 Discourse organization theory aiding reading to become effective 29-30
2.4 Studies on applying discourse organization theory in reading abroad and in China 30-32
2.4.1 Studies abroad 30-31
2.4.2 Studies home 31-32
Chapter Three Methodology 32-38
3.1 Research Questions 32
3.2 Subjects 32-35
3.3 Research Instruments 35-36
3.4 Data collection 36
3.5 Data analysis 36-38
Chapter Four Results and Doscussions 38-56
4.1 The situation of English reading of the students before the application of discourse organization theory 38-40
4.2 Application of discourse organization theory to English reading instruction 40-48
4.2.1 Practical needs of applying discourse organization theory 41-42
4.2.2 General steps of applying discourse organization theory in reading instruction 42-45
4.2.3 An example of applying discourse organization theory to English reading instruction for senior high school students 45-48
4.3 The situation after the application of discourse organization theory to English reading instruction 48-56
4.3.1 The significant differences between the pre and post questionnaire results 48-51
4.3.2 The significant differences between the pre and post test results 51-56
Chapter Five Conclusions 56-60
5.1 Major findings 56-57
5.2 Implications 57-59
5.2.1 Advantages of applying discourse organization theory in reading teaching 57-58
5.2.2 Disadvantages of applying discourse organization theory in reading teaching 58-59
5.3 Limitations of the Study 59-60
References 60-64
Appendices 64-87
Appendix A:English scores of the final test of Grade 7(altogether 8 classes) 64-65
Appendix B:Scores of reading parts of the pre-test and post test of EC 65-66
Appendix C:Scores of reading parts of the pre-test and post test of CC 66-67
Appendix D:Questionnaire for the students 67-68
Appendix E:The pre-test reading materials 68-76
Appendix F:The post-test reading materials 76-84
Appendix G:The reading part of Unit 5,in NSEFC Book 7 84-86
Appendix H:List of Abbreviatations 86-87
研究生期间发表的论文 87-89
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