【摘要】 “英语簇”这一现象的出现表明英语是国际交流的工具,英语不再属于特定的国家,而只是一种交际媒介。英国英语和美国英语不再被看做是仅有的两种标准英语,只是在两个国家使用的两种语言变体。全球化将导致英语的本地化或国家化,来自不同国家的人们以其特有的方式在运用英语,带有不同文化烙印的各种英语变体使英语更显多样性,更具可变性和灵活性,从而使“绝对标准英语”的正确性更具相对性。本文通过描写与解释、理论诠释与资料分析相结合的方法,在社会文化与语用认知的理论框架下,对中国英语进行了全面和系统的分析研究。本文以语言理据及语言顺应理论为基点,深入探究了中国英语(China English)与中式英语(Chinglish)的定义。中国英语是一种带有中国特点的语言变异现象,是英语顺应中国社会文化、思维方式和汉语语言结构的结果;而中式英语则是一种错误使用英语的语言现象,它违背基本的英语语法、语义与语用规则。论文从汉语思维、文化认同与语言变异三个方面分析了中国英语产生的理据;以中介语、语言迁移及语言顺应的理论为支点阐释了中国英语存在的理论基础;中国英语是对世界英语的重要补充和丰富表明其具有重要现实意义。本文选取社会文化与语用认知为理论视角,全面描述和分析了中国英语在语音、词汇、句法、语篇或话语等语言层面的特点,旨在建立中国英语语言层面的研究体系。本文以语言共性与认知思维的理论为基础,认为中国英语对中国的英语教学有启示意义。通过研究英语教学在中国的发展以及目前中国英语的教学现状,指出中国英语的出现并非偶然,而是英语长期在中国发展和使用的客观现实。从中国英语的角度提出了提高英语教学的建议。
【关键词】 英语族; 中国英语; 中式英语; 语言特征; 中国英语教学;
Acknowledgements 4-5
摘要 5-6
Abstract 6-7
List of figures and tables 8-9
Abbreviations 9-15
Chapter 1 Introduction 15-24
1.1 Background of the study 15-20
1.1.1 English as a global language 15-17
1.1.2 Classification of English varieties (world Englishes) 17-20
1.2 Objectives and significance of the thesis 20-21
1.3 Methodology and data of study 21-22
1.4 Organization of the thesis 22-24
Chapter 2 Literature Review 24-43
2.1 Research on World Englishes 24-27
2.1.1 Global usage of English 24-25
2.1.2 Three concentric circles of English 25-27
2.2 Research of Asian Englishes 27-34
2.2.1 Spread of English to Asia 27-30
2.2.2 Nativization of English in Asia 30-34
2.3 Research of China English and Chinglish by scholars in China 34-41
2.4 Research of China English and Chinglish by scholars abroad 41-43
Chapter 3 Defining China English and Chinglish 43-61
3.1. Introduction 43
3.2 Definition of China English 43-51
3.2.1 Definitions in previous literature 43-48
3.2.2 Definition in this research 48-51
3.3 Definition of Chinglish 51-58
3.3.1 Definitions in previous literature 51-53
3.3.2 Definition in this research 53-58
3.4 Relationship between China English and Chinglish 58-59
3.5 Summary 59-61
Chapter 4 Theoretical Interpretation and Realistic Significance of China English 61-87
4.1 Introduction 61
4.2 Motivation of China English 61-68
4.2.1 Chinese thinking 61-63
4.2.2 Cultural identity 63-66
4.2.3 Language variation 66-68
4.3 Explanation of China English in light of three theoretical models 68-74
4.3.1 Theory of interlanguage 68-69
4.3.2 Theory of language transfer 69-70
4.3.3 Theory of language adaptation 70-74 Adaptation to Chinese cultural psychology and thinking model 71-73 Adaptation to Chinese text 73-74
4.4 Reality of China English 74-75
4.5 Realistic significance of China English 75-84
4.5.1 Complement to and enrichment of world Englishes 75-77
4.5.2 Directive significance for translation theory and practice 77-80 Domestication and foreignization 77-78 Perspective of foreignization translation 78-79 Chinese-English translation from the angle of China English 79-80
4.5.3 Significance for cross-cultural communication 80-84 China English and inheritance of Chinese civilization 81-82 China English and Chinese social norms 82-83 China English and Chinese cultural values 83-84
4.6 Summary 84-87
Chapter 5 Linguistic Features of China English 87-146
5.1 Introduction 87-88
5.2 Phonological features of China English 88-99
5.2.1 Localization of English pronunciation in China 88-89
5.2.2 Definition of the sounds of China English 89-91
5.2.3 Summary of Phonological features of China English 91-99 Phoneme 92-94 Syllable formation 94 Intonation and tone 94-95 Stress 95-96 Rhythm 96-98 Juncture 98-99
5.3 Lexical features of China English 99-119
5.3.1 Culture-specific words with Chinese features 100-103 Definition of Chinese culture-specific words
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