A Study on the Pragmatics of Fuzzy Language in Business English
Abstract:Foreign economic and trade cooperation have become increasingly frequent with China’s entry into the World Trade Organization, which is a new opportunity and challenge for Chinese international business. Therefore, international business English learning has been paid much more attention. The business social group has been formed and enlarged. This large social group and the register deviation of their common language--- English have come into the language researchers’ notice. As a kind of ESP (English for special purpose), business English requires the expression to be exact and precise due to its innate character of objectivity. However, fuzziness is a natural quality of language, so it is unavoidable to use fuzzy expressions in business English. Based on the above reasons, this paper analyzes and expounds fuzzy expressions in various kinds of business English texts from pragmatics perspective.
By distinguishing several similar concepts relevant to fuzziness, fuzziness is defined in this paper. And by reviewing the research results of linguists at home and abroad, it is found that fuzzy expressions in international business English own its own characteristics. This paper analyzes and expounds fuzziness in various business English texts, for instance, business correspondence, contact, negotiation, advertisements and catalogue by combining such theories of pragmatics as cooperation principle, politeness principle, relevance theory and adaptation theory.
As for the use of fuzzy expressions in business English, the paper concludes with the following pragmatic functions: 1.improving the objectivity and accuracy of business English; 2. Expressing politeness; 3. making expression more flexible and efficient 4.moderate Relationship in business English Communication
A systematic exploration of fuzzy language in business English from pragmatics perspective facilitates a further understanding and analysis about it. Moreover, the study can direct how to use fuzzy expressions effectively to succeed in international business communication.
Key words: business English, fuzzy language, pragmatics
通过区分模糊语言的几个相似概念,本文试对模糊性进行界定,并且结合中外语言学家对模糊语言的研究成果,发现运用于商务英语领域的模糊语言,除具备普通交际中模糊语言的特点之外,更有自身的特点。本文结合语用学理论中的合作原则,礼貌原则,关联理论以及顺应理论, 对各种商务英语,如,商务信函,商务合同,商务谈判,商业广告以及产品说明等体裁中的模糊语言现象进行了系统的分析和解释。
对于商务英语中的模糊语言的运用,本文认为有以下特殊语用功能,具体可以归纳为:1. 可以增强商务用语的准确性和客观性;2. 可以体现礼貌;3. 可以使语言表达更灵活,更有力度;4. 可以协调商务沟通的双方的关系,保证商务交际的顺利进行。
关键词: 商务英语, 模糊语言, 语用学
Abstract ……………………………………………………………2
摘要 ……………………………………………………………….4
Chapter 1: Introduction …………………………………………..9
1.1 Rationale of the study ………………………………………….9
1.2 Purpose of the study and research questions ………………….11
1.3 Approach to the study …………………………………………11
1.4 Objectives of the present study ……………………………….12
1.5 Layout of the thesis …………………………………………...12
Chapter 2. Literature Review …………………………………...14
2.1 A Review of Fuzzy Linguistics ……………………………… 14
2.1.1 Previous studies abroad …………………………………..14
2.1.2 Previous studies at home …………………………………16
2.2. Definition of fuzziness ………………………………………..16
2.2.1 Fuzziness and vagueness ………………………………....16
2.2.2 Fuzziness and ambiguity …………………………………18
2.2.3 Fuzziness and polysemy ………………………………… 20
2.3 Cause of fuzziness …………………………………………….21
2.4 Classification of Fuzzy Language …………………………….22
2.5 Function of fuzzy language …………………………………...24
Chapter 3. Various types of Literature in Business English 26
3.1 Analysis of business correspondence …………………………26
3.1.1 Features of language in business correspondence…………..26
3.1.2 business correspondence and fuzziness……………………..29
3.2 Analysis of business negotiation ……………………………...30
3.2.1 Features of language in business negotiation ……………...30
3.2.2 Business negotiation and fuzziness………………………...31
3.3 Analysis of business contract …………………………………34
3.3.1 Features of language in business contract………………….34
3.3.2 Business contract and fuzziness……………………………38
3.4 Analysis of business advertisement……………………………39
3.4.1 Features of language in business advertisement……………39
3.4.2 Business advertisement and fuzziness……………………...41
3.5 Analysis of catalogue ………………………………………….43
3.5.1 Features of language in catalogue………………………….44
3.5.2 Catalogue and fuzziness……………………………………46
Chapter 4. Relevant Pragmatic Theories………………………..48
4.1 Cooperative principles and fuzziness ……………………......48
4.2 Politeness principle and fuzziness……………………………51
4.3 Relevance theory and fuzziness ……………………………...54
4.4 Adaptation theory and fuzziness ……………………………..57
4.5 Summary ……………………………………………………..60
Chapter 5. Pragmatic Function of Fuzzy Language……………61
5.1 Improving the objectivity and accuracy of business English ……61
5.2 Expressing politeness ……………………………………….62
5.3 Making expression more flexible and efficient ……………..63
5.4 Moderate Relationship in business English Communication ……….64
5.5 Summary ……………………………………………………65
Chapter6. Conclusion ………………………………………...67
6.1 Major Findings ………………………………………………..67
6.2 Implications…………………………………………………....68
6.3 Limitation and suggestion for further study…………………...68
Acknowledgments …………………………………………. ..70
Bibliography ………………………………………………….71