【摘要】 对外语学习者而言,搭配是语言学习中不可或缺的一部分,同时也是语言学习和外语教学的难点。因而,搭配在语言习得尤其是高级语言学习者的语言习得中占重要地位。目前,关于这一方面已有很多研究,研究对象多为中学生和大学生写作中的搭配错误,很少有研究涉及到研究生写作层面。因此,本文旨在研究英语语言学硕士论文中的动+名词搭配错误。作者基于Nesselhauf (2003)、张文忠和杨士超(2009)的分类标准,对错误进行了分类和分析,试图找出各类搭配错误的分布情况以及主要错误并探讨错误产生的原因。本文随机抽取40篇英语语言学硕士论文进行研究,在完成论文附码后,本文运用AntCon3.2半自动提取动+名词搭配,并借助字典找出其中的搭配错误。研究结果发现:1)论文中存在10类动+名词搭配错误,分别为动词的误用、名词的误用、动词介词的误用、名词介词的误用、限定词的误用、冗余、虚化动词的误用、名词数的错误、词不达意和结构错误。2)通过统计各类错误以及其所占的比例,可以看出动词误用是出现最多的错误,说明对研究生而言动词依然是学习的难点。介词错误和名词错误也占很大的比例,说明研究生对名词和介词的掌握的不够理想。3)通过分析发现引起错误的原因主要有三方面:母语迁移和语内错误和基于交际策略的错误。第一,汉语和英语之间的不同造成了母语负迁移。第二,语内错误主要有过度概况和忽视搭配限制。第三是基于交际策略的错误。4)受母语迁移的影响,学习者常采用直译法,忽视了词语的搭配范围。5)受语内因素的影响,搭配错误是由结构或规则的过度概况引起的。本研究发现介词错误大多是由这一原因造成的。本研究还发现学习者常常忽视词语的语义韵并使用近义词代替正确的词。此外,虚化动词的错误可以归因于交际策略的使用。最后,作者对搭配的学习和教学提出了建议:第一是提高学习者的搭配意识。第二是在搭配的学习和教学中使用词典和语料库。第三是通过对比英汉搭配,帮助学习者认识到两者的相同点和不同点。
【关键词】 动名词搭配; 错误分析; 外语教学;
Abstract 8-9
摘要 10-11
List of Tables 11-12
List of Abbreviations 12-13
Chapter One Introduction 13-16
1.1 Background of the Study 13-14
1.2 Aims and Significance of the Study 14-15
1.3 Organization of the Thesis 15-16
Chapter Two Literature Review 16-26
2.1 Definitions of Collocation 16-19
2.1.1 Frequency-based Approach 16-17
2.1.2 Phraseological Approach 17-19
2.2 Definition of Collocation in this Study 19-20
2.3 Previous Corpus Studies of Collocations 20-25
2.3.1 Studies of Collocational Use 20-22
2.3.2 Studies of Collocational Errors 22-25
2.4 Summary 25-26
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework 26-33
3.1 Error Analysis 26-27
3.2 Procedures of Error Analysis 27-33
3.2.1 Collection of a Sample of a Learner Language 28
3.2.2 Identification of Errors 28
3.2.3 Description of Errors 28-30
3.2.4 Explanation of Errors 30-33
Chapter Four Methodology 33-40
4.1 Research Questions 33
4.2 Procedures of Data Collection 33-38
4.2.1 Corpus of MA Theses in English Linguistics 33-34
4.2.2 Corpus Annotation 34-35
4.2.3 Extraction of Verb-Noun Collocations 35-37
4.2.4 Identification and Classification of Verb-Noun Collocational Errors 37-38
4.3 Data Analysis 38-40
Chapter Five Results and Discussion 40-60
5.1 Distribution of Verb-Noun Collocational Errors 40-44
5.2 Description of Verb-Noun Collocational Errors 44-53
5.2.1 Wrong Choice of Verbs 44-46
5.2.2 Wrong Choice of Nouns 46-47
5.2.3 Wrong Choice of Prepositions 47-49
5.2.4 Misuse of Determiners 49-50
5.2.5 Number Errors 50
5.2.6 Misuse of Delexical Verbs 50-51
5.2.7 Combinations not Showing Their Intended Meaning 51-52
5.2.8 Verbosity 52
5.2.9 Structure Errors 52-53
5.3 Possible Causes of the Verb-Noun Collocational Erross 53-60
5.3.1 First Language Transfer 53-55
5.3.2 Intralingual Errors 55-58 Overgeneralization 55-56 Ignorance of Co-occurrence Restrictions 56-58
5.3.3 Communication Strategy-Based Errors 58-60
Chapter Six Conclusion 60-66
6.1 Major Findings 60-61
6.2 Pedagogical Implications 61-64
6.2.1 Raising Learners' Awareness of Collocations 61-62
6.2.2 Applying Corpus and Concordancing for Language Learning and Teaching 62-63
6.2.3 Using Dictionaries for Collocation Learning 63-64
6.2.4 Contrasting Chinese Collocations with English Collocations 64
6.3 Limitations of the Present Study and Suggestions for Further Study 64-66
Appendix 66-71
References 71-77
Acknowledgements 77-78
学位论文评阅及答辩情况表 78