Research on the Honeymoon Tour Market and Development in Sanya
ABSTRACT: Sanya is the only tropic and coastal tour city with the brightness, seawater, sandy beach, climate, forest, animal, spa, cave, countryside and style in the south of Hainan province. Based on the WTO background, Hainan develops rapidly to the international tour island and Sanya is included as regional-based international tour city. According the data from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, China is entering into the new marriage and child rearing peak period. In China, there are about 18 to 20 millions newly-married couples and about 250 billion Yuan spending related to married consumption. The new marriage couples wish to spend the 31% of their savings for married consumption. As the one of the ten honeymoon destinations, Sanya have some advantage and disadvantage. Paper analyzes the development program and discusses the suggestions to advance the Sanya’ competition.
KEYWORDS: Sanya , tour , Honeymoon tour
目 录
1.绪论 - 0 -
1.1选题背景 - 0 -
1.2研究意义 - 1 -
1.3研究现状 - 1 -
1.4研究内容 - 2 -
1.5研究方法 - 2 -
2.蜜月婚庆旅游市场的特点分析 - 3 -
2.1客源市场广阔 - 3 -
2.2消费者年轻化 - 3 -
2.3旅游形式自由 - 4 -
2.4出游时间长 - 4 -
2.5消费能力强 - 4 -
2.6个性化需求浓 - 4 -
2.7重复购买率高 - 5 -
2.8信息来源集中 - 5 -
3.蜜月婚庆旅游开发给三亚带来的影响 - 5 -
3.1产业辐射与带动 - 5 -
3.2增加居民收入 - 6 -
3.3拓展就业渠道 - 6 -
4.三亚开发蜜月婚庆旅游的优劣势评价 - 7 -
4.1优势评价 - 7 -
4.1.1自然条件优越 - 7 -
4.1.2旅游资源丰富 - 7 -
4.1.3旅游设施齐全 - 8 -
4.1.4交通条件便利 - 8 -
4.2劣势评价 - 8 -
4.2.1同国际同类滨海旅游城市比较 - 8 -
4.2.2同国内同类滨海旅游城市比较 - 9 -
5.三亚蜜月婚庆旅游开发的对策研究 - 9 -
5.1树立良好形象 - 9 -
5.2加强营销活动 - 10 -
5.3打造特色项目 - 10 -
5.4培育和引进专业人才 - 10 -
5.5发挥政府主导作用 - 11 -
结论 - 11 -
致谢 - 12 -
参考文献 - 13 -
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