【摘要】 幽默是人类生活当中不可或缺的一个组成部分,作为幽默的一个重要组成部分,言语幽默在日常交流当中十分常见。由于言语幽默常常以生活中的会话形式出现,因此言语幽默带有十分鲜明的语用特征。在各种语用学研究的相关书籍和论文当中,常常可以看到对以会话形式出现的言语幽默进行的分析。通过前人大量的研究可以证明,言语幽默与语用学之间有密切联系,言语幽默通常会具有一种或者多种语用特征。作为一种普遍存在的语言现象,幽默引起了来自各个领域学者们的重视和研究兴趣。长期以来,学者们从美学、社会学、修辞学、哲学以及语篇分析等各个角度对幽默进行研究分析。历史上曾有学者提出三个经典幽默研究理论:优越论、乖讹论和释放论。三种理论分别从不同角度阐述幽默产生的原因和作用。自上世纪八十年代开始,随着语用学的出现和兴起,越来越多的学者开始从语用学角度研究幽默。大量研究结果证明,对于言语幽默的产生机制,语用学的诸多原理都可以作为理论支持对其进行分析,例如:指示语,言语行为理论,合作理论和关联理论等等。本研究把传统的三大经典幽默理论与语用学相结合,运用合作理论、关联理论和礼貌理论,对美剧《生活大爆炸》中所出现的言语幽默进行分析,解释幽默产生的机制,验证相关语用原理对言语幽默的解释力并且希望为读者更好的欣赏和运用幽默提供帮助。本研究利用网络视频资料搜集言语幽默,并将其记录成为文字,采用定量与定性相结合的方法对搜集的言语幽默进行分析研究。通过分析,我们发现语用原理对言语幽默有很强的解释力,语用学理论可以帮助人们更好的理解、欣赏以及使用言语幽默。
【关键词】 言语幽默修辞; 合作原则; 关联理论; 礼貌原则; 违反; 幽默效果;
Acknowledgements 5-6
中文摘要 6-7
Abstract 7
Chapter 1 Introduction 10-12
1.1 The rationale of the study 10-11
1.2 The general purpose of the study 11
1.3 The layout of the study 11-12
Chapter 2 Previous Explorations of Humor and Theoretical Framework 12-35
2.1 The definition and classification of humor 12-16
2.1.1 Denning humor 12-14
2.1.2 Classification of humor 14
2.1.3 The functions of humor 14-16
2.2 The three classical theories of humor 16-20
2.2.1 Incongruity Theory 17-18
2.2.2 Superiority Theory 18-19
2.2.3 Release Theory 19-20
2.3 Literature review: linguistic approach to verbal humor study 20-24
2.3.1 Rhetoric study of humor 20-22
2.3.2 Semantic Script Theory of Humor 22-23
2.3.3 General Theory of Verbal Humor 23-24
2.4 Theoretical Framework 24-35
2.4.1 The Cooperative Principle 24-28
2.4.2 The Relevance Theory 28-31
2.4.3 The Politeness Principle 31-35
Chapter 3 Methodology of Research 35-40
3.1 Data Description: The Big Bang Theory 35-38
3.1.1 General information of the sitcom 35-36
3.1.2 Main cast of the sitcom 36-37
3.1.3 Elements of the sitcom 37-38
3.2 Criteria of data collection 38
3.3 Research methodology and procedure 38-40
3.3.1 Research methodology 38-39
3.3.2 Research procedure 39-40
Chapter 4 Analysis of the verbal humor in the Big Bang Theory from the perspective of CP and RT 40-60
4.1 Cooperative Principle and verbal humor 41-54
4.1.1 Flouting of the maxim of quantity 43-45
4.1.2 Flouting of the maxim of quality 45-51
4.1.3 Flouting of the maxim of relation 51-53
4.1.4 Flouting of the maxim of manner 53-54
4.2 Relevance theory and verbal humor 54-59
4.3 Summary 59-60
Chapter 5 Analysis of the verbal humor in the Big Bang Theory from the perspectiveof PP 60-70
5.1 Flouting the tact maxim 61-62
5.2 Flouting the generosity maxim 62-63
5.3 Flouting the approbation maxim 63-64
5.4 Flouting the modesty maxim 64-65
5.5 Flouting the agreement maxim 65-67
5.6 Flouting the sympathy maxim 67-68
5.7 Summary 68-70
Chapter 6 Conclusion 70-72
6.1 Major findings of the study 70
6.2 Implications and suggestions for further study 70-71
6.3 Conclusion 71-72
Bibliography 72-73
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