浅析《秦腔》主题 摘要:《秦腔》呈现的是传统乡村生活终结时刻的景象,作者站在传统乡村终结处,看到了农村的荒芜、传统伦理道德的嬗变、以及迷茫的乡村前景,而背后却隐含作者乡土情感的一体两面。一面是对故乡的热爱;一面是对落后故乡文化的疏离反叛。作者也正是以此矛盾的情感奏响了传统文化没落的挽歌。 关键词: 贾平凹 秦腔 乡土现状 矛盾情感 Simple analysis of the theme of Qinqiang Abstract:《Qinqiang》shows us a terminatire scene of traditional countrg life. The author takes the standpoint of the ending of traditional country, from which he perceires the desalation of the country, the transmutation of traditional ethil, and the prospect of the country at sea .These all can implicate the author’s contradictire feeling to traditional country. On one hand, the auther loves his hometown deeply; On the other hand, he shows us his hatred and estrangement to the backward traditional country culture. The author plays the degenerate elegy of traditional allture just through this contradictire feeling. Keyword:Jia Pingwa; Qinqiang; Localsituation; Contradictory feelings 学术论文网Tag:代写毕业论文 文学论文 |