150 能纠正T 淋巴细胞亚群比率失调,降低CD4+ T 淋巴细胞,增加CD8+ T 淋巴细胞,改善 CD4+/CD8+细胞比例,降低外周血IL-6 含量,这种作用可能是通过其活血化瘀、泄热通下 作用,清除大鼠体内Aβ“瘀毒”,增强机体的特异性和非特异性免疫机能作用的结果。 4 结论 综上所述,加味桃核承气汤可能通过增强机体特异性和非特异性免疫功能,从而清除体 155 内“瘀毒”,缓解Aβ 损伤大鼠学习记忆能力。 [参考文献] (References) [1] Blennow K, de Leon M J, Zetterberg H. Alzheimers disease [J]. Lancet, 2006, 368(9533):387-403. [2] Mattson MP. Pathways towards and away from Alzheimer's disease [J]. Nature, 2004, 430(7000):631-639. 160 [3] Man SM, Ma YR, Shang DS, et al. Peripheral T cells overexpress MIP-1alpha to enhance its transendothelial migration in Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol Aging [J]. 2007, 28(4):485-496. [4] Xue SR, Xu DH, Yang XX, et al. Alterations in lymphocyte subset patterns and co-stimulatory molecules in patients with Alzheimer disease [J]. Chin Med J, 2009, 122(12):1469. [5] Speciale L, Calabrese E, Saresella M, et al. Lymphocyte subset patterns and cytokine production in Alzheimer's 165 disease patients [J]. Neurobiol Aging, 2007, 28(8):1163-1169. [6] 曼淑梅, 陈誉华. 阿尔茨海默病患者外周血免疫细胞的亚型变化及其穿过血脑屏障的能力[J]. 中国神经 精神疾病杂志, 2004, 30(4):266. [7] 龚非力. 医学免疫学[M]. 北京:科学出版社, 2001:281. [8] 储全根. 近10 年来桃核承气汤临床应用研究进展[J]. 安徽中医学院学报, 2005, 24(1):51-54. 170 [9] 韩玉生, 周忠光. 补阳还五汤对Aβ1-40 所致老年性痴呆大鼠海马区β淀粉样前体蛋白及相关基因表达 的影响[J]. 时珍国医国药, 2009, 20(1):9-11. [10] Zara S, Di Stefano A, Nasuti C, et al. NOS-mediated morphological and molecular modifications in rats infused with Aβ (1-40), as a model of Alzheimer's disease, in response to a new lipophilic molecular combination codrug-1 [J]. Exp Gerontol, 2011, 46(4):273-281. 175 [11] 邱燕东, 毕桂南. 阿尔茨海默病IL-6 和CD4+ T 细胞的研究进展[J]. 医学综述, 2006, 12(8):1110-1112. [12] Cirrito JR, Holtzman DM. Amyloid beta and Alzheimer disease therapeutics: the devil may be in the details [J]. J Clin Invest, 2003, 112(3):321-323. [13] Parachikova A, Agadjanyan MG, Cribbs DH, et al. Inflammatory changes parallel the early stages of Alzheimer disease [J]. Neurobiol Aging, 2007, 28(12):1821-1833. 180 [14] 于俊生. 痰瘀相关学说疑难病治疗[M]. 北京:人民卫生出版社, 2008:104. 学术论文网Tag:代写论文 代写代发论文 代写职称论文 论文发表 代发论文 |