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摘要:十六大提出我国全面建设小康社会,最根本的是坚持以经济建设为中心,不断解放和发展社会生产力;走科技含量高、经济效益好、资源消耗低、环境污染少、人力资源得到充分发展的新型工业化路子;坚持以人为本,树立全面、协调、可持续的科学发展观。 “十一五”规划和温家宝总理2005年的《政府工作报告》中都把“自主创新”、“创新型国家”提高到国家战略的高度;而且在《政府工作报告》关于科技体制改革和科技发展的论述当中,处处体现了“科技创新”的含意。由此可见提升自主科技创新能力,建设创新型国家,不仅是要加快科技发展,而且要转变发展观念、创新发展模式、提升发展质量,这是我们国家处在新的历史发展点上的战略决策;同时,科技创新也逐渐成为经济社会发展的首要推动力量。
关键词:可持续科技创新  综合经济实力  竞争力  因子分析 
层次聚类  层次分析 

Abstract: The Sixteenth National Congress points out that building the well-off society in all aspects should basically persist in regarding economic construction as a center, liberating and developing social productive force step by step. A new industrial road should be taken towards high science and technology, high economic effect, low resources consumption, few environmental pollution as well as fully developed human resources. Meanwhile, the all-round, harmonious and sustainable scientific perspective of “people first” should be established. In the 11th five-year plan and 2005 Government’s Work Report by premier Wen Jiabao, “individual innovation” and “innovative country” are raised to the strategic height. “Scientific and technologic innovation” is implied in Government’s Work Report involving the reform of scientific and technologic system and the development of science and technology. It can be seen that increasing the capability of individual scientific and technologic innovation and building an innovative country should not only accelerate the scientific and technologic development but also alter developing perspectives, innovate developing patterns and improve developing quality. This is strategic policy in the new developing period of the history.                   
Meanwhile, the scientific and technologic innovation serves as the first force to promote the social economic development. In the light of the perspectives of scientific development and theories of sustainable development, the thesis absorbs and applies the theories of regional economics, urban geography and economic metrology to deduce and induce the related phenomena and problems. The thesis is intended to apply scientific and new study methods, stress the advantages of quantitative study and adopt various mathematic methods such as analytic hierarchy process, factor analysis and hierarchical clustering method. On the basis of collecting a large amount of data, the thesis takes Sichuan province as an object, connecting the theoretical analysis and authentic proof t

ogether. A great quantity of statistic data are made use of, the economic strength of all regions in Sichuan province is analyzed as well as the actual condition of capability of sustainable innovation of science and technology and then a comparatively close system of theory-proof-countermeasures forms.
The thesis, finally, analyzes the factors affecting the regional economic strength by comparing the economic strength of all regions in Sichuan in 2003 as well as capability of sustainable innovation of science and technology. The countermeasures are provided to increase the regional economic strength so as to provide some experience for developing economy in Sichuan and raising the regional economic strength and by extension, the overall provincial economic strength, to promote the economic cooperation and common development among all regions and to build a harmonious society in which economy, society and environment develop in harmony.

Key Words: sustainable innovation of science and technology; comprehensive economic strength; competitive power; factor analysis; hierarchical clustering method; analytic hierarchy process; 



目  录
1 绪论 1
1.1研究背景和意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究意义 2
1.2 相关理论研究的文献综述 3
1.2.1 区位与地域分工理论 4
1.2.2 经济增长理论 6
1.2.3 区域发展理论 8
1.2.4 竞争优势理论 10
1.2.5 可持续发展理论 11
1.2.6 区域创新理论的兴起 12
1.2.7 区域科技创新理论起源技术创新理论 14
1.2.8 国家创新体系 15
1.2.9 区域科技创新系统 16
1.3 国内外研究现状 17
1.3.1 国内研究现状 17
1.3.2 国外研究现状 18
1.4 论文的思路和研究方法 19
1.4.1 论文思路 19
1.4.2 研究方法 19
2 四川省2003年各城市经济实力研究 20
2.1 经济实力的内涵 20
2.2 研究方法的选取 21
2.2.1 层次分析法 21
2.2.2 聚类分析法 21
2.3 指标体系的选取 22
2.3.1指标体系的选取的原则 22
2.3.2 评价指标体系的建立 23
2.4 四川省2003年各区域经济实力评价 24
2.4.1 各指标权重的确定 24
2.4.2 原始数据的标准化处理 25
2.4.3 区域综合经济实力级别化分 28
3 四川省2003年各区域可持续科技创新能力研究及其与经济实力差异分析 29
3.1 可持续科技创新的提出 29
3.1.1 可持续发展与科技创新的关系 29 新的科学技术观的显著特点 29 可持续发展理论把科学技术的发展推向断境界 30 科技创新是实现可持续发展的必要条件 30
3.1.2 可持续科技创新的内涵 31
3.2可持续科技创新能力的研究方法 32
3.2.1因子分析法 33
3.2.2 聚类分析法 34
3.3 指标体系的选取 34
3.4 计算过程 36
3.5 计算结果 36
3.6 可持续科技创新能力与综合经济实力的差异分析 40
4提高四川省区域可持续科技创新能力与综合经济实力的对策研究 42
4.1 应不断加强区域间分工与合作 42
4.1.1加强区域管理制度建设 43
4.1.2积极推进区际产业转移 43
4.1.3鼓励企业跨区域合作 43
4.1.4提升对国内外开放水平 44
4.2 进一步加强区域可持续科技创新对区域综合实力提升的作用 44
4.2.1进一步完整区域创新体系与创新结构 44
4.2.2 企业创新是区域创新的核心,积极为企业的技术创新创造条件 45
4.2.3 通过制度创新促进技术创新 46
4.2.4 加快企业科技创新机制建设 46
4.2.5加强对环境问题的监测和治理,促进企业清洁生产 47
5 结论与讨论 48
参考文献 50
致  谢 52


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