[摘要]随着我国经济的发展,旅游业也迅猛发展起来,作为旅游业支撑产业之一的旅行社行业的发展在我国正面临着严峻的形势。本文从分析旅行社游客满意度影响因素分析入手,提出旅行社提高游客满意度的方法和途径。通过研究可以提供针对性地措施来提高游客满意度从而更有利于旅游业的发展。旅行社要在竞争之中立于不败之地,只有不断提供高质量的旅游产品,使游客的满意度不断提高,才能有发展。因此,旅行社对游客满意度的研究尤为重要。 关键词:旅游目的地;游客满意度;对策;旅行社服务质量;
[Abstract]Along with economic development, tourism industry developed rapidly, as one of the tourism industry, travel industry support the development of the country is facing a severe situation. This article analyzes the impact of tourist satisfaction travel elements are analyzed and travel agencies to improve tourist satisfaction proposed ways and means. Through research can provide targeted measures to improve visitor satisfaction and thus more conducive to the development of tourism. Competition among travel agencies in an invincible position, and only continue to provide high quality tourism products to continuously improve the satisfaction of tourists in order to have development. Therefore, travel agencies tourist satisfaction is particularly important. 学术论文网Tag:代写硕士论文 代写论文 代写MBA论文 论文发表 代写经济硕士 |